Friday, August 5, 2011

"Panda" and other things

WOW . . . has it really been that long? I have been very busy working on an auction for our Guild. It has been over a year since our dear Nancy's passing, and our Guild has moved twice since then. We are now back to our beloved Crescent Lane and I really think that we now have Happy Hookers.

We were in desperate need of something fun that we all could look forward to, so I convinced the Board to have a Covered Dish Lunch and an Auction where everyone would donate something we could bid on. We are also working on a rug to raffle where everyone hooks a 5 inch square anyway they want. It is turning out so adorable. Here are some samples . . .

I am also working on decorating and having door prizes for everyone attending. It will be a fabulous time. It will be good to have a get-together like this. I will post more about this later.

Wondering about the rug I am working on? My daughter is having her third baby and I wanted to do a rug that would be sentimental to her. She drew the panda picture when she was in the fourth grade, I think that was in 1987-ish. Anyway, my hubby and I always loved the picture and I saved it all these years. I took it to be enlarged, traced it on red dot, and drew it on linen to be hooked. SHE DOES NOT KNOW ABOUT IT YET. . . and she never reads my blog so I think I am safe.

It is a great rug to hook . . . everything is either blocks or little items . . . and it is nice to be hooking again for pleasure and not project oriented.

Happy Hooking!!!


  1. The squares are wonderful...all the different styles and colors...I especially love that crow with the pearl button eye! I like your idea for a rug for your daughter. She'll be so surprised. The auction sounds like fun. I submitted a rug for an auction at my very first hook-in. Boy, was I nervous watching to see if anyone would bid on it. But, it did sell!
    Have fun!

  2. Thanks April and Courtney. I think it will be a sweet rug when it is finished.
